Crackhead, Crackhead, Crackhead!
(What’s my new Name?)
Another show I watch (my youngest daughter doesn’t understand why) is one of the court TV shows- Judge Greg Mathis. I like Judge Mathis style and most of his comments.(Plus he’s from Detroit so he has to be ok!) Judge Mathis usually has some harsh comments for those who are in his court and have a substance problem. I remember watching one particular episode that involved a man who had a crack cocaine habit but was in denial and didn’t like when Judge Mathis referred to him as a crackhead. At one point in speaking to the young man Judge Mathis said loudly and intensely – “Crackhead! crackhead! crackhead! That’s what I’m going to call you until you realize that’s what you are and get some help”. As I listened to the way he said those words- it hit home painfully. It reminded me of the years of not facing my addiction and all the names that I had been called over the years (crackhead has actually been one of the nicer words!)
We are labeled for what we do and get involved in. Those labels stick and become painful reminders of our past. Many of us can’t get past the names and labels of our past. Many times those around us wont let us forget-Divorcee, addict, whore, whoremonger, abuser, on and on. Revelation 2:17 (NIV) Says: He who has an ear, let him hear what the Spirit says to the churches. To him who overcomes, I will give some of the hidden manna. I will also give him a white stone with a new name written on it, known only to him who receives it.
Stones were given for various reasons. Those sitting in judgment positions in ancient days gave their vote by either casting a white stone for innocence or black when they condemned.
J. Vernon McGee states- “The people of Asia Minor to whom John was writing had a custom of giving to intimate friends a tessera, a cube or rectangular block of stone or ivory, with words or symbols engraved on it. It was a secret, private possession of the one who received it. Well, Christ says that He is going to give to each of His own a stone with a new name engraved upon it. I do not believe that it will be a new name for you and me but that it will be a new name for Him. I believe that each name will be different because He means something different to each one of us. It will be His personal and intimate name to each of us”Awesome!
A new name! A name that has been given to us already-symbolizing what we are to him. I think that one of the reasons that he hasn’t told us what exactly the new name is, is because we probably would screw that up too! You know us , instead of realizing that the name indicates something different we would probably empathizing on telling people- “Hey! I got a new name! Guess what it is! Our focus should be that we are no longer- idiot, screw-up, no-good (and others that I can’t repeat). You and I may not know what exactly the new name is- but we do know it represents something far different than what we have been hearing and also what we have been living up to. I recall at one of the many recovery programs that I was in I had relapsed and had to go before all the residents in order to stay in the program. It was called the “hotseat”, I was placed in the center of the room and any resident who wanted to confront me and say anything they wanted and they certainly did! After everyone was through I had a short time to respond and I shouted back at everyone- “I’m an addict!!! That’s what addicts do!” I believed that if we were addicts then we were only doping what addicts do. One of the reasons I love the Celebrate Recovery® Program is that they have you indentify yourself this way “Hi My name is Tim I’m a believer who struggles with drugs, alcohol, pornography, etc (or whatever you struggle with). It’s important to realize that we don’t have to continue to be what people have labeled us to be. Don’t know what your new name is ? Don’t worry- he does and it reflects who you are to him
Reflection: How has the names that talk about your issues over the years affected you ?
Read : Isa. 62: 3-4, 65:15
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