Who Dropped You?
I don’t think there is anything more fulfilling after rearing your children than having grandchildren. There are many bonuses that come with the same - such as sending them home when you get tired of them!!
I remember one of the things that I did with my children that I and hundreds of other fathers do- “the ole toss them in the air routine” I remember their mother shouting at me- “you bet not drop my Baby!!!” The first time I would toss them of course they would cry, it wasn’t until after a few more times that they realized that their father would not drop them that they enjoyed being tossed and knowing that I would catch them. Matter of fact they looked forward to the game of being tossed and caught by their Dad. Being a Grandfather (actually a great-grandfather!) I now have the privilege of doing this with my grandchildren. Some of us have been emotionally dropped in our lives. Damaged, crushed,scarred because of the actions of someone else.
One of the greatest stories about being dropped, restoration and forgiveness is the Biblical story of a young man in the Old Testament named Mephibosheth. Mephibosheth was the Grandson of King Saul, and son of Jonathan . David was now King of Israel. As a rule the incoming King would kill all the relatives of the outgoing King to insure no one could later claim a right to the throne. David is enjoying success as a King and everything is going well. He asks his staff – “Is there anyone from the house of Saul that I can show kindness to for Jonathan’s sake? He is told that Jonathan has a son living in the land of LoDebar- (name means desolation, or no pasture) named Mephibosheth. When he was five years old the nurse caring for Mephibosheth dropped him as she ran while fleeing those that had come to kill the remaining family members of Saul and Jonathan. Both his feet were broke in the fall and as a result he walked with a limp. He lived from place to place always looking over his shoulders wondering if someone would recognize him. LoDebar was a desolate place, nothing grew there thus its meaning, a place where the rejects, those that had been labeled as worthless, no-accounts, no-gooders, the “can’t get it together” people of society. Mephibosheth felt comfortable here. No one really cared where he was from, it was all about survival. Then one day the Kings men find him and bring him to King David. I can imagine what was going through his mind during what had to be the most terrifying ride he had ever taken. Perhaps he thought- “This is it!” I’m finally caught! My life is over!!” he comes before David and David calls his name- “Mephibosheth?” “Yes My Lord he answers” David explains that he knew Meph’s Daddy and talks about their friendship. He goes on to explain that from now on he is to live and eat at the Kings table and no longer has to work for anything! It doesn’t sink in with Meph, he responds to David “What does the King want with a dead dog like me?” I can’t even walk right King David? Isn’t that like us? We let our circumstances determine where we think we should be. I’m an addict Lord! A drunk! I’ve got issues? Failed marriages, failed career, I can’t complete anything! On and on we go. David goes on and calmly tells him “You will forever eat at my table!” What awesome words. From a place of “no pasture” to the kings table.
That nurse trying to save Mephibosheth life didn’t mean to drop him; she was trying to save him. Many of us have been dropped perhaps while someone was trying to save us. A father walking out on us, a mother abandoning us, or perhaps someone who didn’t protect us from the abuse we encountered. As a result many of us bear the emotionally scars from the fall. We go through life limping. We medicate our feelings from the pain, doing whatever it takes to conceal that we walk with a limp, being comfortable with only those that have a limp like ours. I suffered being dropped and certainly did my share of dropping those I love. Who dropped you? Was it your mother, father, uncle, close friend? Society? Or perhaps you may have been the one who did the dropping, I may not know who dropped you, but I do know that what is more important is that you and I are invited to the Kings Palace. Welcome to the Kings table- crippled feet and all!!
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