Tuesday, July 21, 2009

Recovery Brunch


Ananepho Ministries /Celebrate Recovery Ministries

Of New Life Christian Felowship Church invite you it's

Recovery Brunch

"God's Will and your Recovery"

Speaker- Pastor Haman Cross Jr.- Senior Pastor, Rosedale Park Baptist Church
(via-video tape)

Where: New Life Christian Fellowship

1645 Wilson

Chicago Heights,Il


When: July 25th- 10am-12pm

Cost: free

Call-708-755-7900 for more info

Whatever u are recovering from....drugs,abuse,divorce or just life on life's terms....Come fellowship as we allow God to heal us from life's hurts, habits and hangups!

Our speaker: Pastor Haman Cross Jr. Haman is a down to earth, keep it real, urban pastor who has answered the call to have a global and local impact for Christ. He has been faithful to the call for over three decades and has ministered to hundreds of thousands from every walk of life. His transparency about personal failures and recovery has been a source of hope to thousands. Haman's some times hard hitting and unique style, coupled with a skillful use of humorous anecdotes, allows him to present the word of God in a way that leads people of all ages, races and cultures to a deeper spirituality. Whether pastors, prisoners, athletes, entrepreneurs, paupers or aristocrats Haman's message is consistent: "Grow! Glow! Go!"


1 comment:

Anonymous said...