Friday, November 16, 2007

Walls that wont come Down !

Have you ever come to a wall in your recovery that wont come down or you cant get through for whatever reason ? Sometimes those walls can be- waiting for a wife or husband to take us back, or "if our job situation changes-then we can recover", or waiting for our children to forgive us or say they love us no matter what. What if those things never happen ? What if the wife doesn't take us back, or the kids don't say what we want, or the job we want dont come when we want it? So we stand at that wall- staring up- waiting for it to come down so we can really recover.

Gen. 49:22- tells the story of Jacob addressing his sons before he dies. He addresses each one about their future as it relates to their past, some of it, of course ,is not good. He comes to Joesph and says:
"Joseph is a fruitful vine, a fruitful vine near a spring, whose branches climb over a wall. (NIV)
There are some walls in our lives that for what ever reason are NOT coming down or changing! Satan will have us to believe that we cant recover or change until certain certain situations are the way we think they can be.
Jacob says "Joseph is a fruitful vine..near a spring whose branches climb over a wall" Joseph had many obstacles that he had to get over. Some of those things werent his fault and maybe contrary how you have read the story-some of the things were in his control. As my Pastor recently preached - "Joe had :
  • Bad make up (favortism vs favor)
  • Bad set up (shouldnt really have been a supervisor over his brothers-showing off his new coat)
  • Bad followup

However as our picture above indicates, "walls dont stop vines". We can love "over the wall", "recover over the wall", forgive over the wall" Once we are planted where we can grow in our recovery walls cant stop us as we totally surrender to only what God can do in our lives.

Do the walls in your recovery seemed unclimbable? Too high ? Got you just staring up? Allow God's love to plant you near a spring where you can grow and recover-not matter what the wall is or how high it is.


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